New 2 Grace


An Informal, Informational Time Together

If you’re newer to Grace, we have an environment designed just for you. It’s an informal time of getting to know our story as a church as well as getting to know the pastors and their families. We also share a little bit about how you can get more involved when you’re ready. We offer free childcare and lunch (we’re glad to accommodate dietary restrictions if you give us a heads up). All you have to do is fill out the form below if plan on coming.

What to Expect:

After 2nd hour, some of the staff will take you on a short tour of the building while the food is being set up in the new auditorium. Then, we’ll have a time to eat and talk together. After lunch, the staff will also share a little about themselves and the story of our church. We’ll then cover what we feel is the most pertinent information about our church and how you can get involved when you’re ready. Questions are welcomed and encouraged throughout our time together. Children are welcome to stay but we also provide childcare.

Mark your calendar for the next New2Grace luncheon on Sunday, August 11th!